unleash your life force
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Family Constellations
Family/Systemic Constellations
Constellations can be done with a group, in 1-to-1 sessions, both in person or online. All modalities are different but just as powerful. Looking to go deep for yourself? Book one or more private sessions.
Book your spot to a live family constellation day during which we dive deep into how your past influences your present, and how it can go from blocking it to supercharging it!
Group Days in BRUSSELS
Location: Ashram in the City (Uccle)
Time: 10am - 6pm
Dates: see updated calendar here: https://www.ashraminthecity.be/
Languages: French, Dutch, English, Spanish
6-10 participants
If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs and/or if you don’t have the availability to spend a day experiencing the group constellations, feel free book one of more private sessions with me.
The sessions take place online via Zoom, or at my home in Brussels.
After an initial pack of 1-3 sessions, if you wish, you can choose to work with me as a coach on the longer term.